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Public Regulated Service of Galileo satellite navigation system to be introduced in Finland in 2024, legislative drafting begins

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 16.9.2021 15.52
Type:Press release
Europe seen from space (Photo: Shutterstock) Avaa täyskokoinen kuva
Europe seen from space (Photo: Shutterstock)

The introduction of the Public Regulated Service (PRS) of the European Galileo satellite navigation system is progressing. The Ministry of Transport and Communications will start preparing legislative amendments so that Finland could introduce the service in 2024.

The location and time data produced by satellite navigation systems is a part of the everyday life of society. The purpose of the PRS is to provide the EU Member States with location and time data that, thanks to the encrypted and robust signal, is resistant to both intentional cyber attacks and unintentional disturbances.

When the PRS is in use, Finland's public administration and other authorised national operators will have access to authenticated location and time data that are independent of navigation systems outside Europe, like the US GPS system. This will significantly improve Finland's cyber security and security of supply. Spoofing  and jamming are significant cyber security threats.

The future user groups of the Public Regulated Service in Finland include the police, Customs, Defence Forces and rescue services and companies in sectors that are critical in terms of the security of supply such as the energy, telecommunications, banking, transport and logistics sectors. The need for robust, authenticated location and time data will grow in the future when the new-generation 5G mobile communications networks are introduced in Finland and the automation of transport proceeds.

The aim is to amend the Act on Electronic Communication Services and the Act on Transport and Communications Agency. In Finland, the PRS service that is being developed is managed by the Transport and Communications Agency Traficom. The duties of the Agency would be specified. In addition, the State Security Networks and the Defence Forces would be appointed as providers of PRS service. The Ministry of Transport and Communications would be responsible for strategic guidance and supervision.

Galileo is a global navigation system funded and controlled by the EU Member States. Satellite-based Galileo system produces different kinds of location and time services. Most of the services are accessible to any user. The introduction of the Public Regulated Service PRS is the most significant joint cyber security project of the EU Member States. In Finland, the PRS service will supplement the VIRVE network used by the authorities. 

The Government's Ministerial Committee on Economic Policy discussed the introduction of the service in November 2020.

What's next?

The draft government proposal will be circulated for comments in early 2022. The Act would enter into force in late 2022.

The PRS service will be built in Europe in 2021-2024 and taken into use from 2024 onwards.


Maija Ahokas, Director of Unit, tel. +358 40 031 316178, maija.ahokas(at)lvm.fi, Twitter @mmaija

Suvi Kankare, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 34 342 105, suvi.kankare(at)lvm.fi