Open data takes centre stage

The opportunities and benefits of opening up data are in focus at the Nordic Open Data Week which begins on Friday, 29 May. Taking part in the event from the administrative branch of the Ministry of Transport and Communications are the Finnish Meteorological Institute, the Finnish Transport Agency, and the Finnish Transport Safety Agency.
The Open Data week (29 May - 7 June 2015) will feature discussions on topics including the possibilities offered by open data from the points of view of business activity, communication of information, and promotion of democracy. During the week several seminars and other events will be held that are open to the public.
Monday's theme is Open Data and Business. The Finnish Meteorological Institute, the Finnish Transport Agency, and the Finnish Transport Safety Agency are taking part in the event with a shared presentation area where experts will give information on the open data activities of the agencies.
On Tuesday morning there will be a review of My Data. Issues to be examined in that connection include actions to be taken after the My Data review released in September 2014 by the Ministry of Transport and Communications, and the progress of the utilisation of My Data. Tuesday will also see the publication of the English-language version of the My Data review. It will be available on the Ministry's online service.
The My Data review, which was released in September, has now been released in English and can be read on the ministry's online service.
The importance of open information in the development of society and the economy has increased. The goal is to make publicly financed data material (open data) available to citizens, companies, and other organisations. With an open information pool it is also possible to create new business activities and to boost the efficiency of the activities of the public sector.
The Nordic Open Data week is the first of its kind. Implementing the events of the week in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Iceland are officials, research institutes, and non-governmental organisations that promote digitalisation.
In Finland the Open Data Week is being organised by Open Knowledge Finland OKF and the Open Data Programme in collaboration with public administrative bodies and players in the field.
Publication: Big datan hyödyntäminen (Big data exploitation, publications 20/2014) (Abstract in English)Linkki toiselle sivustolle
Nordic Open Data Week programmeLinkki toiselle sivustolle