Assets and business operations to the new state-owned companies
Finland's Ministry of Transport and Communications will transfer the assets and business operations of the Shipping Enterprise Finstaship to the Arctia Holding Oy.The value of the transfer amounts to around 72.6 million euros as a contribution in kind.
Ministry will also transfer the assets and business operations of the Civil Aviation Administration Finavia to the Finavia Holding Oy. The value of the transfer amounts to around 348 million euros as a contribution in kind.
Finland's Ministry of Transport and Communications will transfer the production operations of the Maritime Administration and the assets and business operations of the fairway service at the Shipping Enterprise Finstaship to the Meritaito Holding Oy. The value of the transfer amounts to around 14.8 million euros as a contribution in kind.
Press release 22.12.2009: Assets of the Civil Aviation Administration to Finavia Holding OyLinkki toiselle sivustolle
Press release 22.12.2009: Waterway maintenance and business operations to Meritaito Holding OyLinkki toiselle sivustolle