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New comprehensive Transport Safety Strategy circulated for comments

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 8.6.2021 14.50
Type:Press release
Trams and cars in front of the Helsinki railway station (Photo: Milkovasa/Shutterstock) Se hela bilden
Trams and cars in front of the Helsinki railway station (Photo: Milkovasa/Shutterstock)

A Transport Safety Strategy prepared by the Ministry of Transport and Communications has been circulated for comments. The strategy was prepared in broad-based cross-administrative cooperation with stakeholders. It sets out effective means for improving transport safety and preventing traffic accidents in all modes of transport.

The objectives of the Traffic Safety Strategy are guided by the zero vision initially set for road transport, which is now extended to all modes of transport: road and rail, aviation and boating.

The vision of the Traffic Safety Strategy is to improve safety in all modes of transport to the point that by 2050, no one will die or be seriously injured in traffic.

The draft identifies the following strategic guidelines:

1) Transport safety is an issue that concerns everyone in society

2) Decision-making must be based on knowledge

3) Different actors' skills in traffic must be improved

4) Attitudes in traffic must be changed

5) The transport system and all of its components must be safe

6) Technological advancement improves safety, and

7) Legislation must promote safe mobility.

The Transport Safety Strategy was prepared in broad-based cooperation with other ministries and authorities with a role in transport safety, and their projects were coordinated with the strategy work.

While most of the actions proposed in the draft strategy can be implemented with the current resources and by retargeting activities, some will require additional resources.

Draft strategy produced in collaboration by almost 100 experts

The Transport Safety Strategy was prepared in broad-based cooperation. It was drafted by working groups focusing on specific modes of transport, in which a total of 53 different parties from various administrative branches were represented. In addition, dozens of different experts and other parties were consulted by the working groups and otherwise.

Minister Harakka finds it important that different perspectives on improving traffic safety have been brought up and that solutions have been sought open-mindedly.

"As we have been concerned over the stalling of positive development, we have tried to come up with a broad range of solutions to this situation," says Timo Harakka, Minister of Transport and Communications.

"Transport and traffic safety affect everyone's daily life in one way or another. This is why it is important that all those with an interest in these matters have also been able to participate in the preparation of the Transport Safety Strategy. We have had access to the best expertise", says Minister Harakka.

Prevention of serious traffic accidents and fatalities as the aim

The strategy is underpinned by the objective stated in Prime Minister Marin's Government Programme, according to which improvement of traffic safety will be included in the development of the transport system and services.

The EU's Vision Zero, or reducing road deaths to almost zero in European road traffic by 2050 and serious injuries by 50% until 2030 compared to 2020, also underlies the strategy.

National road safety work in Finland has been guided by road safety plans and government resolutions. Previous plans and resolutions date back to 1993, 1997, 2001, 2006, 2012 and 2016. Currently, there is no valid strategy or government resolution on traffic safety in Finland.

What next?

The draft Transport Safety Strategy was circulated for comments on x June 2021. Comments can be submitted until 13 August 2021.

All organisations and citizens can contribute their comments at www.laustopalvelu.fi or by e-mail to kirjaamo@lvm.fi.

A hearing on the draft strategy will also be held before 10 August 2021, which is the deadline for commenting.

The preparation of the strategy will then be continued by public servants together with stakeholders. A government resolution on the strategy is to be adopted by the end of this year.


Elina Immonen, Director of Unit, tel. +358 50 303 2686, Twitter: @ImmonenElina

Maija Rekola, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 50 471 9531

Laura Kolinen, Senior Officer, tel. +358 50 476 8399