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The signposts of urban and transport policy for the new generation outlined by the working group

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 27.4.2011 10.05
News item

In a sustainable, human-centred society based on services, transport and mobility are the sources of wellbeing. Finland needs an agile transport system. Ultimately, this is made possible by digitality that permeates our society. As the final outcome of the first phase of the Transport Revolution (Liikennerevoluutio) development programme, a mind map to map the way forward was released 27th of April.

A new kind of transport and spatial planning and various mobility services ensure functioning everyday travel for the citizens and a business environment that supports competitiveness. The design is based on a political decision about the service level of travel and transport that is publicly financed.

The objective of the Transport Revolution development programme is to create a new user and solution-oriented mindset and approach to transport and spatial planning. At the same time, the aim is to achieve better productivity and effectiveness for the transport solutions.

The participants in the programme include the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of the Environment.