More than EUR 13 million in EU funding sought for seven Finnish digital projects
Press release 30.01.2025 13.36Finnish operators apply for a total of EUR 13.76 million in funding from the European Commission’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for seven communications projects. In addition, four Swedish projects are partly placed in Finland. The Ministerial Finance Committee decided in favour of the applications on 30 January 2025.
Finland is prepared for security threats against communications networks and is making sustained effort to strengthen security
Press release 30.01.2025 10.15Communications networks are part of the infrastructure that is essential for the functioning of society. The security of communications networks is extensively regulated in the Act on Electronic Communications Services. Its provisions contain obligations to ensure that the security of communications networks is, above all, proactively safeguarded though retroactive measures may be used where necessary.
Working group: Development of impact assessment capability into ongoing activity
Press release 28.01.2025 08.17The working group that examined impact assessment capability in the administrative branch of the Ministry of Transport and Communications and its development has completed its work. The working group defined a target state of impact assessment capability and priorities for the development and created a framework for the evaluation and development of impact assessment capability.
Comments requested on amendments to rail transport regulation: Extension for rail wagon procurements
Press release 22.01.2025 13.58The Ministry of Transport and Communications requests comments on a draft government proposal that would amend the regulation concerning rail transport. The legislative amendments would enhance the safety and security of urban rail transport and give an extension of time to the forest and chemicals industries for procuring rolling stock that meets the EU requirements. The deadline for submitting comments is 5 March 2025.
New legislative project to criminalise possession of devices that deliberately interfere with radio frequencies
Press release 16.01.2025 10.00On 15 January 2025, the Ministry of Transport and Communications launched a legislative project to amend the legislation on equipment used to deliberately interfere with radio frequencies.
Consultation process on implementation options for location study systems starts
Press release 10.01.2025 16.08The Ministry of Transport and Communications is requesting opinions on an assessment memorandum regarding regulatory and implementation options for a system to respond to location study requests. Opinions may be submitted until 24 January 2025.
Minister Ranne: Making sustained effort to improve security in Baltic Sea
Press release 08.01.2025 12.10The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom has completed the Port State Control (PSC) inspection of the Eagle S and detained the ship.
Comments invited: European Media Freedom Act to be supplemented with national legislation
Press release 02.01.2025 12.14The Ministry of Transport and Communications is requesting comments on a draft government proposal on legislation to supplement the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA). The deadline for submitting comments is 14 February 2025.
Amendments to Act on Environmental Protection in Maritime Transport – prohibitions on discharges to enter into force gradually from next year
Press release 30.12.2024 14.32On 30 December 2024, the President of the Republic of Finland ratified amendments to the Act on Environmental Protection in Maritime Transport and the related acts. The amendments implement the Government Programme, EU regulations and regulations of the International Maritime Organisation IMO.
Finland needs an efficient, safe and sustainable transport system – draft Transport 12 Plan circulated for comments
Press release 20.12.2024 11.10The Ministry of Transport and Communications requests comments on the updates to the national 12-year transport system plan Transport 12 and on the environmental report. The deadline for submitting comments is 5 March 2025.