European Union affairs

  1. Council of the European Union
  2. Preparation of EU affairs in Finland
  3. Preparation of matters and decision-making in the Council of the European Union

1. Council of the European Union

The presidency of the Council of the European Union rotates in an established order among the EU Member States every six months.

The Council of the European Union negotiates and adopts EU legislation together with the European Parliament. In the meetings of the Council, ministers of EU Member States discuss legislative proposals and adopt new legislation. The Council meets in 10 different configurations.

In the Transport and Telecommunications Council, Finland is represented by the Minister of Transport and Communications. Ministers meet in Brussels or Luxembourg.

In addition to the formal Councils, ministers also attend informal meetings. They are held in the country holding the Presidency of the Council.

2. Preparation of EU affairs in Finland

The Ministry is responsible for national-level preparation and monitoring of EU affairs in the transport and communications sectors.

At the Ministry of Transport and Communications, EU affairs are prepared under the leadership of the minister. Responsibility for each matter is assigned to a public official who guides and monitors its development throughout the process. The Ministry's International Affairs Unit is responsible for ensuring that the management of matters concerning the EU is of high quality and efficient.

In drafting Finland's position on any EU matter, the opinions of stake holders are considered. The Secretariat for EU Affairs at the Prime Minister's Office and Finland's Permanent Representation to the EU in Brussels play an important role in the preparation process.

The Prime Minister's Office is responsible for Finland's general EU policy and for coordinating the preparation and consideration of EU-related matters in the ministries. Decisions concerning the general guidelines of Finland's EU policy are made by the Ministerial Committee on European Union Affairs. The Committee is chaired by the Prime Minister.

Parliament is closely involved in preparing EU affairs in the transport and communications sectors. By a government communication, it is informed of legislative proposals submitted by the European Commission. The agenda of each Council of the European Union is discussed at the parliamentary Grand Committee.

Coordination of EU matters

Finland’s system for coordinating EU affairs aims to ensure that Finland can present a coordinated position in line with Finland’s general EU policy on any issue under consideration in the European Union at any stage of consideration. The Government Secretariat for EU Affairs is responsible for ensuring the coordination of EU affairs and the smooth functioning of the coordination system.

The system for coordinating EU affairs consists of

  • competent ministries,
  • sub-committees on EU affairs,
  • Committee for EU Affairs and
  • Ministerial Committee on EU Affairs.

Sub-committees on EU affairs 

The Committee for EU Affairs has appointed 36 sector-specific sub-committees, which provide the foundation for the preparation of EU affairs by public officials. The chairperson and secretary of each EU affairs sub-committee usually represent the competent ministry.

The sub-committees can convene in a restricted or extended composition. The restricted composition includes public officials from the competent ministries and representatives of other ministries and government agencies. The extended composition also includes representatives of various interest groups and stakeholders. In addition, each sub-committee has representatives from the Government EU Affairs Department at the Prime Minister’s Office and the Government of Åland. The sub-committees meet as necessary.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications is responsible for two sub-committees. 

The communications sub-committee (EU-19) has representatives from Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Prime Minister’s Office, Government of Åland, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority, Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom, Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, Data and Marketing Association of Finland, Confederation of Finnish Industries, Finnish Federation for Communications and Teleinformatics FiCom, Finance Finland, Finnet Association, Finnish Commerce Federation, Finland Chamber of Commerce, Consumers’ Union of Finland, Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, Finnish Information Security Cluster, Threshold Association, Finnish Media Federation, Finnish Feder­a­tion of the Visually Impaired, Service Sector Employers Palta, RadioMedia, Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, Finnish Confederation of Professionals STTK, Finnish Centre for Open Systems and Solutions, Federation of Finnish Enterprises, and Technology Industries of Finland.

The transport sub-committee (EU-22) has representatives from Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of the Environment, Government of Åland, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom, Defence Command, Finnish Border Guard, Customs, Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, Finnish Transport Workers’ Union AKT, Finnish Central Organisation for Motor Trades and Repairs AKL, Employers’ Federation of Road Transport (ALT), Association of Automobile Industry in Finland, Bioenergy Association of Finland, Confederation of Finnish Industries, FinMobility, Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries, Contractors Association Infra/Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries, Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities, Intelligent Transportation Society of Finland, Finland Chamber of Commerce, Threshold Association, Liikennepalvelukauppiaat ry, Finnish Road Safety Council, Finnish Bus and Coach Association (LAL), Association of Logistics Enterprises, Finnish Marine Industries, Finnish Forest Industries, Finnish Feder­ation of the Visually Impaired, Service Sector Employers Palta, Rail Professionals JHL, Finnish Property Owners Rakli, Finnish Port Operators Association, Finnish Confederation of Professionals STTK, Finnish Biocycle and Biogas Association, Finnish Freight Forwarding and Logistics Association, Finnish Aeronautical Association, Finnish Transport and Logistics (SKAL), Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, Finnish Pilots’ Association, Finnish Seafarers’ Union, Finnish Public Transport Association, Finnish Ports Association, Finnish Road Association, Finnish Shipowners’ Association, Federation of Finnish Enterprises, Finnish Taxi Owners’ Federation, Technology Industries of Finland, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, and General Industry Federation.

Contact information

Communications sub-committee (EU-19): Chaired by Silja Pasanen, Director of International Affairs Unit; Secretary: Petri Lepistö, Coordinator.

Transport sub-committee (EU-22): Chaired by Silja Pasanen, Director of International Affairs Unit; Secretary: Noora Saarinen-Uutela, Senior Specialist.

Email: [email protected]

3. Preparation of matters and decision-making in the Council of the European Union

Transport and communications matters in the EU are prepared in working groups of public officials of Member States. Finland is represented in the working groups by specialists working in Finland's Permanent Representation to the EU. Often the meetings are also attended by a specialist from the Ministry of Transport and Communications or its administrative branch.

After the working group process, matters are discussed in the first assembly of Coreper (Coreper I). There Finland is represented by the deputy permanent representative.

After Coreper, matters are transferred to the Council of the European Union. Transport and communications matters are discussed in the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council. It meets around four times a year. Transport and communications matters are dealt with in every six months, usually in June and December Councils.