Preparedness matters at the Ministry
The Ministry of Transport and Communications guides the work within its administrative branch concerning incidents and emergencies.
Under the Security Strategy for Society, the Ministry's task is to ensure the functioning of transport networks and services and the transportation essential for Finland’s security of supply. The Ministry also ensures the proper working of communications networks and services. Data on weather and conditions supports the anticipation of incidents and preparedness for them.
There is extensive legislation on preparedness and incident management concerning the Ministry's administrative branch and field of activity. The Emergency Powers Act also provides additional powers related to transport and communications, which the authorities are ready to apply if necessary.
Agencies in the administrative branch, i.e. the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency, the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency and the Finnish Meteorological Institute, play a key role in incident management. They employ several methods, such as risk assessments, preparedness plans and exercises, agreements and official regulations, to ensure preparedness for emergencies and readiness to act in incidents.
The National Emergency Supply Agency and the National Emergency Supply Organisation promote and support preparedness in the Ministry's field of activity. Business and industry operators and the third sector also contribute to the preparedness cooperation.
At the Ministry, the departments and the Preparedness and Contingency Planning Unit prepare the matters related to readiness, preparedness and security of supply.