Press releases
Finland and Norway sign agreement on cross-border taxi transport services
Type:Press release Categories: Publication date:13.3.2025On 13 March 2025, Finland’s Minister of Transport and Communications Lulu Ranne and Norway’s Minister of Transport Jon-Ivar Nygård signed an agreement in Oslo, Norway, on taxi transport services...
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TUUTTI project to shape Finland's communication network policy until 2037
Type:Press release Categories: Publication date:6.3.2025The Ministry of Transport and Communications has launched the TUUTTI project for security and growth through communications networks. This project will formulate national policies for developing a...
Keywords: Orpon hallitusohjelma Kasvun kaava -
The Government proposes legislation on micromobility to improve traffic safety
Type:Press release Categories: Publication date:6.3.2025The Government submitted a legislative proposal relating to micromobility to Parliament on 6 March 2025. The aim of the proposal is to improve the safety of electric scooters and other...
Keywords: Orpon hallitusohjelma Kasvun kaava -
Cybersecurity on the agenda of the informal meeting of EU telecommunications ministers, Minister Ranne: Finland is a cybersecurity leader
Type:Press release Categories: Publication date:4.3.2025Minister of Transport and Communications Lulu Ranne will represent Finland at the informal meeting of EU telecommunications ministers in Warsaw on 4 and 5 March 2025. The meeting was convened by...
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Permanent Secretary Kivimäki to attend Mobile World Congress and visit Madrid
Type:Press release Categories: Publication date:28.2.2025Minna Kivimäki, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, will attend the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on 3 and 4 March 2025, followed by a visit to Madrid to meet...
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Consultation process: Competence to municipalities and regions to arrange passenger rail transport
Type:Press release Categories: Publication date:17.2.2025The Ministry of Transport and Communications requests comments on the draft government proposal concerning the competent authorities in rail transport. Comments can be submitted until 14 March 2025.
Keywords: Orpon hallitusohjelma Kasvun kaava -
Finnish-Swedish cooperation on icebreaker procurements advances
Type:Press release Categories: Publication date:14.2.2025Finland and Sweden will strengthen their cooperation in renewing their icebreaker fleets and ensuring operational coordination. This was decided when the Governments of Finland and Sweden met in...
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Permanent Secretary Kivimäki visits Brussels to influence EU processes
Type:Press release Categories: Publication date:12.2.2025Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Transport and Communications Minna Kivimäki, together with the Ministry’s senior public officials, is visiting Brussels on 11–13 February 2025 to influence...
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Municipalities and critical infrastructure operators from all over Finland join national cyber exercise
Type:Press release Categories: Publication date:10.2.2025Municipalities and operators involved in Finland's critical infrastructure took part in the first national cyber exercise of the year at Jamk University of Applied Sciences between 3 and 7 February...
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Jussi Laatikainen appointed to serve as Special Adviser to Minister Ranne
Type:Press release Categories: Publication date:7.2.2025Minister of Transport and Communications Lulu Ranne has invited Jussi Laatikainen, Bachelor of Social Sciences, to serve as her Special Adviser.
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More than EUR 13 million in EU funding sought for seven Finnish digital projects
Type:Press release Categories: Publication date:30.1.2025Finnish operators apply for a total of EUR 13.76 million in funding from the European Commission’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for seven communications projects. In addition, four Swedish...
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Finland is prepared for security threats against communications networks and is making sustained effort to strengthen security
Type:Press release Categories: Publication date:30.1.2025Communications networks are part of the infrastructure that is essential for the functioning of society. The security of communications networks is extensively regulated in the Act on Electronic...
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Working group: Development of impact assessment capability into ongoing activity
Type:Press release Categories: Publication date:28.1.2025The working group that examined impact assessment capability in the administrative branch of the Ministry of Transport and Communications and its development has completed its work. The working...
Keywords: Orpon hallitusohjelma -
Comments requested on amendments to rail transport regulation: Extension for rail wagon procurements
Type:Press release Categories: Publication date:22.1.2025The Ministry of Transport and Communications requests comments on a draft government proposal that would amend the regulation concerning rail transport. The legislative amendments would enhance the...
Keywords: Orpon hallitusohjelma Kasvun kaava -
New legislative project to criminalise possession of devices that deliberately interfere with radio frequencies
Type:Press release Categories: Publication date:16.1.2025On 15 January 2025, the Ministry of Transport and Communications launched a legislative project to amend the legislation on equipment used to deliberately interfere with radio frequencies.
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Consultation process on implementation options for location study systems starts
Type:Press release Categories: Publication date:10.1.2025The Ministry of Transport and Communications is requesting opinions on an assessment memorandum regarding regulatory and implementation options for a system to respond to location study requests....
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Minister Ranne: Making sustained effort to improve security in Baltic Sea
Type:Press release Categories: Publication date:8.1.2025The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom has completed the Port State Control (PSC) inspection of the Eagle S and detained the ship.
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Comments invited: European Media Freedom Act to be supplemented with national legislation
Type:Press release Categories: Publication date:2.1.2025The Ministry of Transport and Communications is requesting comments on a draft government proposal on legislation to supplement the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA). The deadline for submitting...