Working group chaired by Mr Jorma Ollila: Towards kilometre-based taxation
A working group of the Ministry of Transport and Communications is of the opinion that steps could be taken towards introducing kilometre-based taxation of car use in Finland. The working group proposes that the matter be approached through experiments. Mr Jorma Ollila, chair of the working group, submitted the group report to Ms Merja Kyllönen, Minister of Transport, on 16 December.
The group regards it important that before reaching a final decision on shifting to kilometre-based taxation it be fully ensured that the technology to be used is efficient and applicable to taxation purposes. Furthermore, privacy protection must be ensured and the amount of the costs involved must be known.
At the first stage, a wide range of tests should be carried out to pilot the technological systems, monitoring, privacy protection and information security.
The group doesn't take a stand on when the kilometre-based taxation system should be introduced.
Pressrelease 16.12.2013: Ministeri Kyllönen: Liikenteen verotuksesta uskallettava keskustella (in Finnish)
Publications: Oikeudenmukainen ja älykäs liikenne, työryhmän raportti ja taustaraportit (in Finnish)
Vireillä: Oikeudenmukainen ja älykäs liikenne (in Finnish)
Press release 3.2.2012: Jorma Ollila to chair working group on fair and intelligent transport
Valtioneuvoston kanslia, verkkolähetykset ja tallenteet:Ollilan työryhmä luovutti työnsä liikenneministeri Merja Kyllöselle (in Finnish)