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Over EUR 60 million in EU funding for Finnish transport projects

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 22.6.2023 9.28 | Published in English on 22.6.2023 at 10.21
Press release
Photo: Shutterstock/LVM

Finland has successfully applied for EU funding. The European Commission awarded funding under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) to seven projects in Finland. Funding was received for rail transport and port projects. They include central government projects and projects by other operators.

The CEF transport programme committee decided in favour of awarding funding to the projects on 21 June 2023. The total amount of funding awarded was approximately EUR 6.25 billion. The European Commission aims to award funding to projects with a high degree of readiness for planning and implementation.

Transport projects related to the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) are supported under the CEF transport programme. TEN-T links railways, inland waterways, roads and sea and air connections into a single transport network. Funding was awarded to core network projects and comprehensive network projects in Finland. The implementation of TEN-T is funded under the transport programme in accordance with the CEF Regulation and the TEN-T Regulation.

The EU awarded funding to railway, maritime transport and smart transport projects

The total amount of CEF funding awarded to Finland was EUR 61.3 million. The final amount will be determined when funding for joint projects is divided between the participating countries.

Construction of the Helsinki–Riihimäki track 2023–2027

Funding of EUR 40.34 million was awarded to the construction of the Helsinki–Riihimäki track between 2023 and 2027. The track section between Helsinki and Riihimäki is Finland’s busiest in terms of the number of trains. The project will improve the main railways’ operational reliability, enable increased passenger traffic and promote the competitiveness of freight traffic. The plans include the construction of additional railways, bridges and noise protection barriers, as well as the electrification of track sections, for example.

Development of Poikkimaantie at the Port of Oulu

Funding of EUR 9.34 million was awarded to the development of Poikkimaantie. Poikkimaantie is a key connection for the Port of Oulu, used by commuters, customers and heavy transport alike. Poikkimaantie connects the Port of Oulu with several roads on the TEN-T network. The project involves moving Poikkimaantie to a new location at the Port of Oulu and building a roundabout, among other developments.

Improvements to the Karelia railway between Luumäki and Joutseno

Funding of EUR 2.25 million was awarded to the development of the Karelia railway. The Luumäki–Joutseno section of the Karelia railway is important for freight traffic and a key route to the ports of Kotka and Hamina. The track section is also important for the accessibility of passenger traffic. The project supports regional, national and international accessibility, smooth travel chains and the competitiveness of the business sector. The project involves planning a double-track railway to replace the existing single-track railway. 

Improving the conditions for winter maritime transport

Funding of EUR 30 million was awarded to a joint ice-breaking project between Finland and Sweden. The funding applied for Finland accounts for EUR 1.43 million of the total. The exact amount of funding to be received by Finland will be determined as the project progresses. The aim of the project is to ensure efficient and environmentally friendly winter maritime transport across the boundaries of the Baltic Sea. The joint project will include studies and investments.

Interoperability of electronic freight transport information for road transport in the EU

Funding of EUR 14.18 million was awarded to a project for developing the interoperability of electronic freight transport information. The funding applied for Finland accounts for EUR 2.48 million of the total. The joint project between a number of EU Member States promotes the implementation of the eFTI Regulation.

Airport Line planning

EUR 2.75 in funding was awarded to Finnish Rail Ltd for the planning of the Airport Line. The Airport Line is a new rapid two-rail connection that is currently in the planning stage. It will connect Finland’s main airport with long-distance transport routes. 

Implementation of a national maritime information system

Funding of EUR 2.72 million was awarded to a joint project between Fintraffic Vessel Traffic Services, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences and the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom. The project will implement a national maritime information system for Finland, through which vessels will submit port visit notifications. The system will also be used for notifications related to the customs clearance of freight carried by vessels.

What’s next?

The European Commission will conclude agreements concerning the payment of the funding with each applicant by the end of October. The Commission will open the next CEF call for proposals in September 2023. 


Marjukka Vihavainen-Pitkänen, Senior Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 40 825 1255, [email protected]