Finland's reply on the complaint concerning YLE: Yle Areena and learning contents respond to changing consumer needs

On 10 November 2022, the State of Finland will publish its reply to the European Commission regarding the complaint pursued by Sanoma Media Finland Ltd against YLE. The reply is the fifth that Finland has submitted to the Commission in relation to the complaint.
The complaint pursued by Sanoma in the spring of 2021 particularly concerns YLE's video-on-demand services and digital learning contents. Currently, YLE offers video-on-demand services on the Yle Areena online streaming platform, which in the complainant's view, do not comply with EU rules on state aid.
In the reply, Finland considers YLE's current operations to be line with the EU state aid legislation. In addition, the reply states that the complaint by Sanoma is based on incorrect interpretation of EU legislation and on misleading description of the Finnish media market and media regulation.
It is Finland's view that Yle Areena and learning contents are necessary in responding to the changing consumer needs for content services and so a part of YLE's public service duty.
What's next?
The Commission will assess whether Finland's replies are sufficient and decide whether to request any additional information from Finland. The processing of state aid matters in the EU may take several years and include many rounds of communication.
Roosa Patrakka, Senior Officer, roosa.patrakka(at), tel. + 358 50 431 7036
Aino Sipari, Director of Unit, aino.sipari(at), tel. +358 50 326 5829
Press release, 6 September 2022: Finland publishes a fourth reply to the European Commission regarding Sanoma Media Finland Ltd’s complaint against the Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE)Linkki toiselle sivustolle
Press release, 5 August 2022: Finland submits a fourth reply to the European Commission regarding Sanoma Media Finland Ltd’s complaint against the Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE)Linkki toiselle sivustolle