Working group on digital aviation: Use of digital data is key to the development of aviation
According to the working group on digital aviation, a favourable legislative environment, consistent official activities and a fair competitive environment can contribute to the development of digital aviation in Finland.
On 1 September 2020, the Ministry of Transport and Communications appointed a working group to assess the alternatives in developing digital aviation. The aim of the work was to provide an overview of digital aviation as background material for the drafting of the National Transport System Plan.
Digital aviation means aviation that challenges the established, scheduled air services. It covers activities based on the use of digital information in general and recreational aviation, use of drones, flight taxi operations and new types of mobility services, control and rescue operations, ambulance flights, use for agriculture and forestry purposes and pilot training.
Use of digital data opens up new opportunities for developing aviation
According to the working group, it will be essential to examine how digital data collected by the digital aviation operators could be shared between operators in the sector in a way that benefits everyone. Information on both the existing and emerging technologies will also play an important role in the development of digital aviation. These include, on the one hand, electric airplanes and automated drones, and, on the other hand, technologies that enable digital communication between airspace users and remote air traffic control.
Networking, cooperation and dialogue are needed in order for the various operators in the sector to achieve better service levels and wider economic benefits together. To support future decision-making that promotes aviation, more information is needed on the economic indicators of the sector and on how the state aid for airports affects the development of the markets, for example.
What are the next steps?
The term of the working group ended on 7 October 2020 and the results of the work will be used in the preparation of the National Transport System Plan. The Plan provides the basis for long-term maintenance and development of the transport network and services across Finland in 2021-2032.
Timo Kievari, Director of Unit, tel. +358 40 059 3706
Juha Parantainen, Senior Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 40 756 9601
Gateway to Information on Government Projects: Development of digital aviation (in Finnish: Digi-ilmailun kehittäminen) (LVM054:00/2020)
Gateway to Information on Government Projects: National transport system plan (LVM018:00/2019)
Gateway to Information on Government Projects: Air transport services of Kokkola, Joensuu, Kajaani, Jyväskylä and Kemi - working group (LVM050:00/2020)