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Report of the Working group on fossil-free transport and Aalto University’s report on transport emissions trading will be published on 27 October – welcome to the webinar

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 15.10.2020 15.39
Type:Press release
Traffic on the motorway. (Photo: Rodeo / Juha Tuomi) See Full Image
Traffic on the motorway. (Photo: Rodeo / Juha Tuomi)

Finland's goal is to halve emissions from transport by 2030 when compared against the level of 2005. On 27 October 2020, the working group appointed to prepare a roadmap for fossil-free transport will publish its recommendations on how to achieve this goal efficiently and fairly. Aalto University, for its part, will present the results of a study dealing with the impacts of the emissions trading system on income distribution.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications is organising a webinar open to all on 27 October at 14.00, where the recommendations of the working group and the results of the Aalto University study will be presented. Minister of Transport and Communications Timo Haraka will also give an address. A scientific panel made up of Principal Scientist Juhani Laurikko of VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Professor Matti Liski of Aalto University, Professor Markku Ollikainen, chairman of the Finnish Climate Change Panel and Leading Specialist Saara Tamminen of the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra will hold a discussion.

The report of the working group has four parts: alternative propulsion systems; the energy efficiency of means of transport; the energy efficiency of the transport system; and transport pricing and taxes. The report makes recommendations on concrete measures for reducing transport emissions by 50% by the year 2030. The working group has focused in particular on road transport, which accounts for about 94% of domestic emissions from transport. The working group also presents its proposals for measures by rail, sea, inland waterway and air transport. Transport accounts for one-fifth of Finland's greenhouse gas emissions.

In a report commissioned by the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Aalto University has studied how changes in the pricing of carbon in fuel and rising prices would affect different population groups. How consumers could be compensated for the costs of the emissions trading system was also studied. The study does not take a stand on the income distribution effect to be targeted.

The roadmap will cut emissions by 1.55 million tonnes

On the basis of the recommendations of the Working group on fossil-free transport, the Aalto University report and the impact assessments published in October, the Ministry of Transport and Communications is preparing a roadmap for fossil-free transport. The roadmap is a detailed plan on measures for halving emissions from road transport by 2030.

Greenhouse gas emissions from domestic traffic in the comparison year 2005 were about 12.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide. In accordance with the Government Programme, emissions should be brought down to about 6.35 million tonnes by 2030. By the year 2019, emissions had decreased to 11.1 million tonnes; this means that the remaining amount to be reduced is about 4.75 million tonnes. According to a forecast published in April 2020, existing measures, such as the obligation to distribute biofuels, will achieve a reduction in emissions of about 3.2 million tonnes. The measures of the roadmap must therefore cover an emissions reduction of about 1.55 million tonnes by 2030.

What next?

Preparation of the roadmap for fossil-free transport is continuing at the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The draft will be circulated for opinions in early 2021.

Separate decisions in principle are to be taken on the reduction of emissions from shipping and transport on inland waterways and emissions from aviation.


Register for the webinar not later than 26 October at 16.00 via the following link. The webinar will be held in Finnish:


Ministry of Transport and Communications

Director General Sabina Lindström, tel. +358 40 527 6103, sabina.lindstrom(at), Twitter @LindstromSabina

Deputy Director General Päivi Antikainen, tel. +358 50 382 7101, paivi.antikainen(at), Twitter @PaiviAntikainen

Aalto University

Aalto Economic Institute, COO Oskari Nokso-Koivisto, tel. +358 44 045 0732, oskari.nokso-koivisto (at), Twitter @oskarinokso