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Public information for the use of the whole society

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 7.5.2013 16.07
Type:News item

In its final report, the Open Data working group presents a roadmap and concerted practices for the opening up of public data. The goal is that open data will become a part of the basic activities in the administrative sector. Easy availability of information will create new service business and make administration more efficient.

Opening up public data for the reuse of external parties is one of the top projects in the Government's agenda.
The project is based on the Government's March 2011 decision-in-principle according to which data resources produced with public funding will be released for the use of citizens and companies.

- Making information public creates new opportunities for companies and communities, but the administration will also reap benefits from it. It is important also that transparency in the society's activities is augmented by active provision of information for public use, says Minister Kiuru, Minister of Housing and Communications.

The final result of the work was a roadmap, which consists of a listing and a schedule for the release of the data. The working group also defined common practices for more extensive use of the information resources, so that the utilization of the data in different contexts would be as easy and smooth as possible.

Real-time traffic information and weather data was judged by the working group as the most important data to be opened to the public because there was a demand for this already.