Prohibition on marketing mobile phone subscriptions via telephone continues
The Finnish Government wants to extend the prohibition on marketing mobile phone subscriptions via telephone. The prohibition, which was originally set for a fixed term, is proposed to be extended by three years. The Government justifies the extension by the facts that the prohibition is functioning and that misleading sales have decreased.
In accordance with the current marketing prohibition direct marketing of mobile telephone subscriptions to a consumer by telephone is only allowed upon explicit request by the consumer. The prohibition does not cover those who already are mobile phone customers of a telecommunications operator.
To service providers telemarketing is an easy way to market and sell their products and services. To consumers, however, telemarketing may be unclear and ambiguous. They can feel that they have been mislead, even deceived, in making a decision of buying a subscription or signing a purchase agreement.
In order to keep the legislation on telemarketing up-to-date and flexible, the prohibition on marketing would again be set for a fixed term. The fixed-term basis provides the authorities with an opportunity to revise the prohibition if needed. Furthermore, the prohibition may become unnecessary in the near future as a result of the development of markets and technology.
The subject of the prohibition on marketing to control sales practices was included in the legislative package on electronic communications, the Information Society Code, as of the beginning of 2015.
On 13 May 2015 the Government submitted its proposal to Parliament on continuing the telemarketing prohibition as it is and extending its term until 2018. The amendment is meant to enter into force on 2 July 2015.
Mr Tomi Lindholm, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 34 2021