Minister Lindén wants to increase the number of publicly accessible broadband networks

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 24.8.2010 9.00
Press release

Minister of Communications Suvi Lindén believes that more publicly accessible, free-of-charge broadband connections should be provided for citizens.

This would increase the use of digital services and provision and would speed up the development of information society. Increasing the number of open networks should, in fact, be considered as one of the goals for information society policies.

Lindén discussed the topic at the opening of the Intel and Nokia Joint Innovation Center, in Oulu, Finland, on 24th of August.

Lindén regards the panOulu broadband network, which is accessible and free of charge for all Oulu people, as a practical model anywhere in Finland. The network has more than 1200 base stations. Use of its services does not require a user ID or registration.

- The Oulu region network is a good example of the way by which new services have been brought to citizens and new businesses established in the area. At the same time, the wireless network functions as a kind of living laboratory for new applications, Lindén points out.

According to Lindén, thanks for its frequency spectrum policies, Finland is a favourable location for wireless research and development.

- Frequencies, such as the valuable 800 MHz range, that have become available from the analogue TV spectrum, have been allocated for mobile communication. In addition, interference-free frequencies have been reserved specifically for research purposes, Lindén states.

Minister Lindén hopes that a broad international consensus could be achieved regarding the 800 MHz area of frequencies. In many countries, what is to be decided about the use of so-called frequency surplus is a topical issue, Lindén reminded the audience.

Lindén said the Government and the Ministry of Transport and Communications would give their support to companies' joint research projects. According to Lindén, the Government, through its own measures, wants to promote the spread of similar projects.

- The Center for Internet Excellence (CIE) associated with the University of Oulu, is an excellent platform for growth in collaboration between Intel and Nokia. Oulu has international expertise and has demonstrated competence in the field of ICT over a long period, Lindén said.

More information
Special Adviser, Ms Anna Anttinen, tel. +358 9 160 28324