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Maritime safety award to Executive Director Markku Mylly

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 7.9.2018 12.07
News item
Hannu Suihkonen, Simo Zitting, Markku Mylly, Anne Berner and Tuomas Routa. (Photo: Trafi)
Hannu Suihkonen, Simo Zitting, Markku Mylly, Anne Berner and Tuomas Routa. (Photo: Trafi)

Minister of Transport and Communications Anne Berner presented a maritime safety award, Sea Sunday, to Markku Mylly, Executive Director of the European Maritime Safety Agency, EMSA, on 7 September 2018 in Helsinki.

The mission of EMSA is to assist EU Member States and the Commission in promoting maritime safety and reducing the number of maritime accidents.

"I am pleased to see that the maritime sector values the background work by public authorities that is not so visible in the media," says Minister Berner.

"Good administration, enabling attitude, and understanding the importance of information and digitalisation are important for Finland. These are the themes Executive Director Markku Mylly has promoted in his work," Minister Berner says.

"Once safety and security issues are well managed, our society is able to concentrate on taking advantage of the opportunities of the future and on tackling the challenges," Minister Berner says.

Award draws attention to safety work

Sea Sunday is a recognition established by over 20 maritime organisations and authorities. It was first awarded in 1997.

The award is granted on the basis of a concrete activity, insight, attitude, development project or other matter related to maritime safety. It can be presented to an individual, vessel crew, shipping company, authority or other entity.