Government grants radio programme licences in supplementary application round – New local radio operators

On 20 December 2022, Government granted radio programme licences for 43 frequencies in a supplementary application round. Licences were issued to different parts of Finland, including to new local radio broadcasting operators.
"I am very pleased that we will have new radio channels that will make diverse content available across the country. We clearly have an active radio broadcasting industry which has enthusiasm for developing the business and a desire to offer their listeners a wide range of content," says Minister of Transport and Communications Timo Harakka.
The supplementary application round for licences for free radio frequencies ended on 31 August 2022. The call for applications focused on released or new frequencies that were not in use during the current licence period for radio broadcasting. The current licence period started at the beginning of 2020 and the granted licences will be valid for ten years. The licences granted in this supplementary application round will enter into force on 1 January 2023 and remain valid until the end of the current licence period.
If there is not enough frequency capacity for all applicants or if the licence decision has a significant effect on the development of the communications market, the decision on the licences is made by the Government. In the supplementary application round, which closed at the end of August, there were more than one applicant for 43 frequencies. The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom therefore transferred the decision-making on the licences for these frequencies to the Government.
With the introduction of new licences, radio broadcasting subject to licence will remain largely unchanged in Finland. The coverage of some channels will expand, and three new operators will enter the market: Kaakon Viestintä Oy, Kevyt Kanava Oy and Tuontirengas Oy.
Licences awarded by the Government
New frequency block Lahti 3: Alueradiot Sastamala Oy
New frequency block Oulu 1: Bauer Media Oy
New frequency block Southeast Finland 1: Kaakon Viestintä Oy
Frequency block 19: Patmos Lähetyssäätiö sr
Frequency block 20: Livelaboratorio Oy
New frequency block 24: Kevyt Kanava Oy
New frequency block 25: Tuontirengas Oy
Frequency block Kuopio-Iisalmi 2: Suomen Lähiradiot Oy
Frequency block Lahti 2: Hämeen Media Oy
Frequency block Ostrobothnia 2: Bauer Media Oy
Frequency block Ostrobothnia 3: Nordic Palvelu Oy
Frequency block Ostrobothnia 5: Kaleva 365 Oy
Frequency block Savo 3: Savon Media Oy
What's next?
The licences granted in the supplementary application round will enter into force on 1 January 2023 and remain valid until the end of 2029.
Sirpa Sillstén, Senior Specialist, sirpa.sillsten(at), tel. +358 50 326 5829
Aino Sipari, Director of Unit, aino.sipari(at), tel. +358 50 469 8344