Evaluation released of COVID 19 legislation and policies in administrative branch of Ministry of Transport and Communications

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 28.8.2023 10.38 | Published in English on 28.8.2023 at 12.05
Press release
Seniori nousee bussiin maski päällä
A man gets on the bus (Photo: Katri Lehtola, Keksi)

A COVID-19 legislation ex post evaluation, prepared jointly by the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom, has been released. The report examines the temporary legislation put in place in 2020–2021 in the administrative branch of the Ministry of Transport and Communications in consequence of COVID 19. It also looks at the drafting of this legislation.

In these years, the Ministry of Transport and Communications had the lead in drafting some forty national statute amendments relating to the COVID 19 crisis. A further ten or so amendments resulting from EU Regulations were also implemented. The Ministry of Transport and Communications moreover provided support for statute drafting in other ministries.

Traficom took part in statute drafting at the Ministry and was responsible for the enforcement of measures implemented on the basis of both permanent and temporary legislation. The Agency issued and communicated a considerable number of official decisions and recommendations and also granted subsidies. Traficom was the key transport sector authority in epidemic management. 

Assessment of impacts presents challenge

The report uses three key objectives to assess the success of the statute drafting and other administrative action: preventing the spread of the epidemic, easing the burden on the healthcare system, and securing the functioning of the transport system.

The transport system was kept functional. Greater flexibility on rules was introduced and financial aid was made available in situations where service providers’ sources of income dried up while operating costs perhaps even increased. The functioning of international and domestic transport was successfully guaranteed. The objectives served by the COVID 19 measures in public transport were conflicting to some extent. On the one hand, the aim was to reduce travel; on the other, to maintain public transport service provision.

The strain on healthcare services was successfully reduced through increased flexibility in traffic and transport legislation. Nonetheless, it is difficult to determine if the measures prepared and implemented in the administrative branch of the Ministry of Transport and Communications freed up any significant volume of key resources to respond to the care and treatment needs of patients.

It is also impossible to deduce with any certainty the impact which measures in the administrative branch of the Ministry of Transport and Communications had on preventing the spread of the epidemic. A wide range of measures was being broadly implemented across all of society. The measures prepared and implemented in the administrative branch of the Ministry of Transport and Communications contributed to a decrease in the number of encounters among traffic and transport professionals as well as between them and passengers and hence reduced the potential for exposure in both domestic and international traffic and transport. 

The communications infrastructure and communications services functioned well and enabled the implementation of flexible traffic and transport solutions as well as the adaptation of these to prevailing circumstances. Digital service utilisation increased and the services functioned well.

Statute drafting put staff under great strain

Statute drafting in the COVID 19 era was exceptionally fast-paced and intensive. It added considerably to the workload of officials. The Ministry as well as Traficom clocked a significant volume of overtime in 2020–2021 in drafting and enforcing national and EU legislation relating to COVID 19 as well as in other preparations in the state of emergency. Remote work and remote meetings provided flexibility in time management and made for more effective work.

Other statute drafting and implementation of the Government programme continued apace regardless of the pressures on resources.

What next?

The ex post evaluation of COVID 19 legislation provides opportunities for enhancing the flexibility of legislation and its enforcement as well as crisis management in the administrative branch of the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

The evaluation also provides benchmarking materials for any additional ex post evaluations.


Director of Legislative Affairs Kimmo Kiiski, tel. +358 295 342 304, [email protected]