Effective monitoring and changes in attitudes needed for pedestrian crossing safety
Above all, people want effective monitoring and significant sanctions for those who break the rules regarding pedestrian crossings. A discussion about pedestrian crossings was carried out through a national survey organised using otakantaa.fi, during which there were discussions about rules for road traffic. The survey attracted almost 400 responses.
The driver of a vehicle must give way to pedestrians who are on a pedestrian crossing or stepping onto one. Among the things the survey asked, was how implementation of the rules regarding pedestrian crossings could be promoted.
The question of the need for attitude change also arose. The provision of more information and road safety education was seen as necessary to change attitudes, as was an emphasis on the significance of the rules for pedestrian crossings in driving schools.
The responses also included the idea of reducing the number of pedestrian crossings. It was thought that if there are too many crossings close together, it reduces the appreciation of their importance.
In the survey about road traffic rules, questions were also asked about stopping to make deliveries, the obligation to give way to trams, parking on both sides of a two-way street and the choice of lane on a motorway.
The Ministry of Transport and Communications is carrying out a wholesale revision of road traffic legislation which includes an assessment and revision of road traffic rules. The survey about road traffic rules is part of a public discussion carried out over the summer on the web pages of otakantaa.fi. The discussion covered cycling as well as mopeds and motorcycles, and cars and other road vehicles.
The discussion about pedestrians will be open until 12 August. The Ministry will take note of the views expressed as appropriate during the preparation of the wholesale review of road traffic legislation.