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Comments invited on changes to risk rating in licensed transport by road, on use of vehicles hired without drivers for the carriage of goods, and on maritime transport legislation

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 7.9.2022 13.30
Type:Press release
Trucks on the road. (Image: Jarmo Piiroinen / Shutterstock) See Full Image
Trucks on the road. (Image: Jarmo Piiroinen / Shutterstock)

The Ministry of Transport and Communications requests comments on a government proposal concerning the use of vehicles hired without drivers for the carriage of goods by road and the risk rating of holders of a licence for passenger and goods transport by road. In addition, the proposal includes technical amendments to the provisions related to maritime transport. The deadline for submitting comments is 28 September 2022.

The Government proposal would implement at national level the Directive on the use of vehicles hired without drivers for the carriage of goods by road. In future, there would be more flexibility in hiring vehicles from another EU Member State for licensed goods transport by road. Member States would be given a broad scope to allow or restrict the use of a hired vehicle.

Finland proposes that the maximum time of use of a hired goods vehicle be two consecutive months per calendar year. The number of vehicles hired at a time could not exceed 25% of the vehicle fleet of goods transport subject to licence. In addition, penal provisions are proposed to be included in the Act.

The Government proposal would also amend the national legislation on the risk rating of holders of a passenger or goods transport licence to meet the new requirements of EU legislation concerning the risk rating system of undertakings.

The proposal would also implement the amendment to the Directive on the minimum level of training of seafarers. The amendment would update the directive number to the relevant national acts.

At the same time, the provisions related to maritime transport would be amended. The Act on Transport Services would be supplemented with an authority for the Government to issue a decree, which would allow further provisions to be issued on the requirements for a boatmaster's certificate for a rental boat.

The Government also proposes that an authority to issue regulations be added to the Act by which the Transport and Communications Agency Traficom could issue further technical regulations on the requirements of the boatmaster's certificate for a rental boat.  For the sake of clarity, an authority to issue regulations would also be included in the Act, under which Traficom could issue further regulations on the borders of the domestic transport area.

What's next?

The deadline for comments on the government proposal is 28 September 2022. Organisations and private individuals are invited to comment online at or by email to Following the public consultation, Ministry officials will continue preparing the Acts.

The acts are scheduled to enter into force on 1 January 2023.


Veli-Matti Syrjänen, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 50 470 7708, veli-matti.syrjanen(at)

Katja Peltola, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 50 530 2175, katja.peltola(at) (maritime transport)