Comments invited on amendments to the Decree on Driving Licences

On 8 June 2022, the Ministry of Transport and Communications sent out an invitation to comment a draft proposal for amendments to the Decree on Driving Licences. The deadline for submitting opinions is 3 August 2022.
On 5 May 2022, the Government submitted to Parliament its proposal for amending the Driving Licence Act. According to the proposal, restricted category B driving rights could be granted for 17-year-olds with the consent of their parent or guardian. The aim of the proposal is to improve the road safety of young drivers.
The amendments to the Government Decree on Driving Licences now submitted for comments are based on the amendments proposed to the Driving Licence Act. In addition, some technical amendments and specifications would be made to the Decree.
It would also include a provision on the minimum number of training hours to be provided on how to drive on slippery roads as well as a provision on the form of the symbol indicating that the driver is under 18 years old. The Decree would clarify the current regulations on the requirement for automatic transmission. The Decree would also contain provisions on the disposal of a previous driving licence.
What's next?
The deadline for comments on the draft decree is 3 August 2022. Organisations and private individuals are invited to comment online at or by email to After the round of statements, the legislative drafting will continue at the Ministry. The Decree is to enter into force on 1 October 2022, at the same time as the amendments to the Driving Licence Act.
Monika Mutanen, Senior Officer, monika.mutanen(at), tel. +358 50 478 4820
Saara Louko, Senior Specialist, saara.louko(at), tel. +358 50 326 4741
Pyry Takala, Director of Unit, pyry.takala(at), tel. +358 50 911 7627
Press release, 24 March 2021: Ministry of Transport and Communications to draft an amendment to the Driving Licence ActLinkki toiselle sivustolle (online consultation service): Request for comments (VN/17166/2022) (in Finnish)Linkki toiselle sivustolle
Gateway to Information on Government Projects: Luonnos valtioneuvoston asetukseksi ajokorteista annetun valtioneuvoston asetuksen muuttamisesta (LVM025:00/2022) (in Finnish)Linkki toiselle sivustolle
Gateway to Information on Government Projects: Hallituksen esitys ajokorttilain muuttamisesta (LVM017:00/2021) (in Finnish)Linkki toiselle sivustolle