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Big data applications have export potential

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 14.8.2014 10.10
Press release

Big data provides Finland with many opportunities, but its utilization requires extensive cooperation. This is pointed out by the working group on data utilization in its report handed to Krista Kiuru, Minister of Education and Science.

Big data refers to diverse collections of data, the utilization of which requires advanced data processing and analysis methods. Social media, various control and reporting systems as well as registers are among the sources of data generation.

The broadly-based working group set up by the Ministry of Transport and Communication proposes measures with the help of which companies, administration and research as well as private individuals could better utilize data. By more effective and innovative use of data, apart from economic growth, improvement in social wellbeing and productivity can be aimed at.

In Finland, utilization of big data sets is still relatively rare, even though top expertise can be found in many fields. Availability of competent individuals is a challenge for the solution of which education and development of applied expertise should be used.

To increase data awareness, the working group proposes the creation of a big data hub of those involved in the field and data envoys for companies and administration.

Cooperation and exchange of data should be promoted by providing support especially to small and medium-sized companies and to technology developers in the industry in their big-data efforts.

- To maintain Finland's competitive edge in the face of digitalization, more extensive and modern utilization of data is needed in all industries, Krista Kiuru, Minister of Education and Science, says.

From Finland's perspective, among the identified potential application areas are health care, smart infrastructures, industrial Internet and processes, research and traffic. A relevant issue related to the development of services is how to guarantee protection of data and privacy as well as information security.

- Through investments in potential strengths and national cooperation, big data applications and services would also have export potential, Minister Kiuru thinks.

In public administration, spreading of data awareness and implementation of big data solutions can, according to the working group, offer sizeable benefits. Thus we can obtain more customer-oriented services, efficiency to our activities and better information on which to base our decisions.

The intention is to draw up, in the autumn of 2014, a government resolution based on the working group's strategy draft.

Further information:
Ms Taru Rastas, Senior Adviser on Communications and Media, tel. +358 (0)295 34 2617