Act on shared construction to expedite construction of communications and electricity networks
The Government proposes that especially the construction of communications and electricity networks should be expedited with an act on the shared construction and use of network infrastructure.
The goal is to reduce the construction costs of high-speed broadband networks by increasing the collaboration of various network operators and to promote the development of digital services and functions.
The new act on shared construction and use would oblige the communications and electricity network operators as well as water supply and transport network operators to agree to reasonable shared use or construction of networks. The collaborative obligation would concern the use of network structures and constructions and the actual construction of the networks.
The act would also obligate network operators and officials to provide information on future network projects and for existing networks to be generally available through a centralised information service.
The Government decided on 12 November 2015 on the content of the act on shared construction. The act is scheduled to enter into force on 1 July 2016.
Press release 10 July 2014: Directive to reduce costs of setting up communications networks
News 29 June 2015: Proposition draft on the shared construction and use of infrastructure networks for statements