Working group to examine the future of the Finnish Broadcasting Company

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 2.11.2015 9.30
Press release

Finland's Ministry of Transport and Communications appointed a parliamentary working group to review the public service duty and funding of the Finnish Broadcasting Company, YLE.

The task of the working group is to examine the public service duty of YLE - its extent, implementation and level of funding. The group is also to assess how the ownership guidance of Parliament will be carried out.

A further task of the group is to assess the role and meaning of YLE in the Finnish media markets as well as its importance in terms of democracy, freedom of expression, and diversity and independence of communications.

The group will be chaired by Mr Arto Satonen, MP and chair of the National Coalition Party parliamentary group.

Members of the working group:

MP Sirkka-Liisa Anttila (Centre Party)
MP Tuomo Puumala (Centre Party)
MP Eero Lehti (National Coalition Party)
MP Ritva Elomaa (Finns Party)
MP Teuvo Hakkarainen (Finns Party)
MP Eero Heinäluoma (Social Democratic Party)
MP Krista Kiuru (Social Democratic Party)
MP Outi Alanko-Kahiluoto (The Greens)
MP Matti Semi (Left Alliance)
MP Mikaela Nylander (SFP-RKP)
MP Peter Östman (Christian Democrats)

Ms Anne Berner, Minister of Transport and Communications, will also take part in the group's work in a manner to be agreed later.

The term of the group will last until 31 May 2016.

This parliamentary working group is based on the Programme of Prime Minister Sipilä's Government.


Ms Päivi Antikainen, Director of Communications Services, [email protected], 0295 34 2101, Twitter @PaiviAntikainen