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Transport automation benefits all of society - draft resolution sent out for comments

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 5.5.2021 10.46
Press release
Timo Harakka, Minister of Transport and Communications (Photo: Ministry of Transport and Communications, Laura Kotila/Finnish Government) See Full Image
Timo Harakka, Minister of Transport and Communications (Photo: Ministry of Transport and Communications, Laura Kotila/Finnish Government)

The Ministry of Transport and Communications has, on 4 May 2021, invited comments about a draft government resolution on the promotion of transport automation. The resolution applies to all modes of transport. It opens up the current state of the development of automation and outlines the possible directions this development may take.

The resolution is grounded in legislation and the action plan of key measures on transport automation under preparation at the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

The objective is to support the development of automation in Finland and to ensure that legislation enables transport automation and the benefits it can bring: safer, more efficient and more sustainable transport. The benefits of automation should be adopted as technologies evolve and the means of transport utilising them become available on the market.

Parties submitting comments are asked for their views especially on the ranking of measures according to their importance and the timetable for their implementation.

"Transport automation is an element of 12-year transport system plans. Technology is developing by leaps and bounds, but it must always be remembered that people devise solutions for people," says Minister of Transport and Communications Timo Harakka.

"Finland can be a world leader and create growth and jobs through transport automation. Automation accelerates new transport services. More efficient and smoother transport is also more sustainable with regard to climate," says Minister Harakka.

Resolution emphasises safe promotion of transport automation

The draft resolution contains five sets of measures concerning transport automation: the development of regulation; the development of physical infrastructure; the development of digital infrastructure; the utilisation of knowledge; and an increase in experimentation and testing.

The primary responsibility for leading and follow-up of the measures rests with public sector actors, but implementation and planning take place in cooperation with other actors in the transport sector.

The resolution emphasises the perspectives of transport safety and cybersecurity. The people-centred objective of transport automation means that people's needs and ability to utilise automated vehicles and transport services must be taken into account in development work and implementation.

Possible legislative changes based on the resolution

On the basis of the Government's resolution, preparations for the necessary legislative changes will be launched.

The resolution does not propose additional funding for transport automation; instead, the financing of the measures is mainly based on the financial framework established in the context of the national 12-year transport system plan. In addition, the intention is to seek funding from both the EU and international research and pilot funding bodies.

The resolution on the promotion of transport automation, for its part, carries out the Programme of Prime Minister Sanna Marin's Government. The objective is to promote the digitalisation and automation of transport and logistics, as well as to accelerate growth and bold renewal. The objective is also to exploit fully the potential of transport digitalisation to develop the system, improve accessibility and reduce emissions.

What next?

The draft for a Government resolution to promote transport automation has been sent for comments. The deadline for submitting comments is 28 May 2021.

Comments can be presented by all organisations and citizens at or by email to

Following the consultation round, Ministry officials will continue the preparations of the government resolution.


Kirsi Miettinen, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Legislative Affairs, tel.+358 40 071 9629, Twitter: @KMiettinen

Saara Reinimäki, Director of Unit, tel. +358 50 303 3065, Twitter: @saarare

Laura Vilkkonen, Director General, tel.+358 40 500 0817, Twitter: @vilkkonen