Towards accessible transport system: Accessibility vision sent out for comments

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 27.6.2023 14.30 | Published in English on 28.6.2023 at 14.35
Press release
Image: LVM

The Ministry of Transport and Communications requests comments on a vision for an accessible transport system. The vision is part of the implementation process of the 12-year transport system plan. Comments on the vision can be submitted until 25 August 2023.

According to the vision, everyone is entitled to a journey that they can plan and carry out in a smooth, safe and independent manner. The most important aim is to ensure smooth travel for everyone. The values of the vision include accessible travel chain, multisensory experience, user experience and cooperation. The vision determines the national goal for accessibility.

The aims are divided into four categories:

1. Transport infrastructure

The goal is to build accessible transport infrastructure that serves all users. Accessibility and safety can be ensured by means of infrastructure maintenance and management, regardless of the season.

2. Mobility services

According to the vision, accessibility is included in the planning of new mobility services and digital services. Public transport services are accessible so that they support independent mobility. Commissioners of public transport services have the necessary expertise on how to commission accessible public transport services.

3. Means of transport

The goal is that all passengers find themselves a place in means of public transport that suits their needs.  Operators understand the needs of special groups and have the capacity to meet them. All means of public transport should provide travel information in accessible form. 

4. Accessibility data

The vision aims to provide passengers with up-to-date and reliable information on accessibility in transport services and infrastructure. The data should be easy to find and access. According to the vision, accessibility data is openly available in a machine readable and standardised form.

Transport 12 in the background

The accessibility vision is part of the implementation of the national Transport 12 plan. The Transport 12 plan outlines the measures on accessibility and availability of transport services.

According to the vision, the central government will draw up a national target for the accessibility of the transport system and of digital transport services. As part of the implementation process of the Transport 12 plan, a working group was set up for outlining an accessibility vision for the transport system.

Next steps

Comments on the vision can be submitted until 25 August 2023 Following the consultation round, the preparations for the vision will continue as part of official duties.

To implement the vision, measures for 2024 will be defined. The aims and principles of the accessibility vision will be used in updating the Transport 12 plan. The vision will also provide a framework for other plans and measures related to accessibility.


Mikael Åkermarck, Ministerial Adviser, mikael.akermarck(at), tel. +358 295 342 396

Aino Sipari, Director of Unit, aino.sipari(at), tel. +358 295 342 011