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Revised legislation on electronic communication to enter into force at the beginning of 2015

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 6.11.2014 14.19
News item
@ (Photo: Rodeo)
@ (Photo: Rodeo)

The Information Society Code, which will enter into force at the beginning of next year, will ensure that fail-safe communication networks, as well as sophisticated and reasonably-priced basic services in electronic communication are available throughout Finland.

The provisions of the Information Society Code will be evident in the everyday lives of citizens in the form of improved consumer protection and information security. The communication field will see the impact of the act in simpler operating license procedures and a more equal market.

On 6 November 2014, the Government approved the content of the revised act regulating electronic communication that references the Information Society Code. Finland's president is to ratify the act on 7 November, and it is to come into force for the most part on 1 January 2015.

The electronic communication legislation reform is based on the 2011 Government Programme, which stated that the Government must support digital services by streamlining legislation that applies to electronic communication and the supply of information society services.

The Information Society Code was prepared in an exceptionally open manner through broad-scoped cooperation between officials and stakeholders.