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Registration for spectrum auction has started

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 20.11.2012 9.28
Press release

Registration for the auction of the 800 megahertz frequency band has begun. Registrations will be received until 17 December by the Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority. The auction begins on 24 January 2013.

A total of 2x30 MHz of frequencies are for sale in the 800 MHz frequency band, to be auctioned in 2x5 MHz frequency pairs. One enterprise, organisation or association may be awarded a maximum of three frequency pairs.

The auction will be conducted over the internet, employing the SMRA procedure (simultaneous multiround auction) in which bids for all frequency pairs are placed at the same time. After the auction has been completed the Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority will provide the results to the Ministry of Transport and Communications, which will release them.

The Government will grant the winning bidders a licence for a fixed period of 20 years. The licences to be granted will cover the whole of Finland excluding the Region of Åland.

Those registering for the auction will be charged a participation fee of EUR 65,000 to cover the administrative costs of the process.

Further information

Ms Kaisa Laitinen, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 40 772 7643
Mr Olli-Pekka Rantala, Director of Communications Market Unit, tel. +358 50 344 3400
Ms Kirsi Karlamaa, Director, Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority, tel. +358 40 823 2121