Minister Ranne: Government continues to invest in road transport 

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 4.9.2024 12.16 | Published in English on 4.9.2024 at 18.10
Press release
Liikenne-, viestintä- ja sisäministeri Lulu Ranne katsoo kameraan
Minister of Transport, Communications and the Interior Lulu Ranne (Photo: Ministry of Transport and Communications)

The Government will continue to reduce the growth of repair backlog in transport infrastructure. In its budget session on 3 September 2024, the Government agreed to propose EUR 200 million for reducing the repair backlog in 2025.

“People and businesses need, and are entitled to, a well-functioning and safe road transport infrastructure. We are committed to reducing the number of roads in poor condition and improving the everyday life of road users,” says Minister of Transport, Communications and the Interior Lulu Ranne.

“In 2024, around 4,000 kilometres of roads will be paved, setting the volume of roads in poor condition on a downward course. We will continue to set high standards next year, which means that come next spring the smell of asphalt will be in the air again. The Government is working to meet the needs of the people in their daily lives,” says Minister Ranne.

The allocation of EUR 200 million for reducing the repair backlog would be used to supplement, in particular, the road paving and structural repair programme for 2025 and the bridge repair programme for the whole country. 

In 2024, the repair backlog will be reduced with an appropriation of EUR 250 million, allocated for road management to reduce the repair backlog of highways.


Tuomas Sorsa, Special Adviser, tel. +358 295 342 012, [email protected]