Minister Harakka: Sustained funding for cyber security must be ensured

The Transport and Communications Agency Traficom reported on 12 September 2022 that the number of cyber attacks has increased globally this year. After a quieter period in the spring, activity towards Finland has also increased.
The National Cyber Security Centre at Traficom has estimated that the threat level in cyber security has risen in Finland. Despite the increase, the networks operate as normal.
Minister of Transport and Communications Timo Harakka stresses the importance of preparedness in terms of cyber attacks.
"In Finland, we have a long tradition of efficient preparedness schemes in both the public and private sectors. The operating environment is being continuously monitored and the preparedness plans to respond to various threats are rehearsed on a regular basis. This autumn, we will propose even closer cooperation between the police, the Customs and the Border Guard. Already in the spring, the authorities urged different operators to prepare for the rising threat of cyber influence activities."
Minister Harakka also stresses the importance of sustained funding.
"In public administration, investments are made in strengthening cyber security, while with regard to Finnish companies, improvement is sought by means of the information security voucher. Rising threat levels call for sustained funding for cyber security," Minister Harakka says.
Antti Malste, Special Adviser to the Minister, tel. +358 50 400 1628