Minister Berner to EU Transport Council

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 29.11.2016 14.58
Press release

European Union transport ministers will meet in Brussels on 1 December 2016. In the Transport Council meeting, Finland will be represented by Minister of Transport and Communications Anne Berner.

The Council aims to adopt a general approach on a proposal on revised safety rules for civil aviation and a revised mandate for the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

Finland supports the proposed approach and the aims of maintaining a high level of safety in aviation, increasing competitiveness of the aviation sector, and promoting economic growth and internal market in the EU. Finland considers it important that the proposal introduces a more performance- and risk-based approach to unmanned aircraft systems and that sufficient flexibility is included in the regulation so that the local conditions of Member States can be taken into account.

The Council is also expected to agree on a general approach on two Directive proposals: on ship inspections and the safety of passenger ships. They aim to simplify the rules relating to them and make the regulation more flexible. Finland considers the aims of reducing regulation and the administrative burden positive and intends to adopt the proposals.

The Council will also take note of a progress report on the Commission Directive proposal concerning the registration of passengers and the reporting formalities for ships calling at ports of Member States.

Under any other business, there will be information from the Commission and the current Slovakian Presidency and a work programme of the incoming Maltese Presidency.


Director of Unit Timo Kievari, tel. +358 295 34 2620, [email protected], @TimoKievari