Price regulation of electronic identification continues

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 26.11.2020 13.40
Press release
Electronic identification, illustration (Photo: Shutterstock)
Electronic identification, illustration (Photo: Shutterstock)

The Government proposes that the Act on Strong Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services be amended. The amendment would extend the maximum price regulation for the chaining of electronic initial identification data by two years. The maximum price would continue to be three cents.

Initial identification refers to reliable verification of a person's identity when the person is issued a means of strong identification, such as online banking codes, for the first time. Chaining of initial identification data takes place when a new means of electronic identification is created entirely electronically with the help of an existing means of strong electronic identification, like a new mobile certificate with the help of banking codes.

The Government decided to propose that the price regulation be extended, because the availability of electronic identification is essential for basic public services and their security. The maximum pricing aims to promote the opportunities of providers of strong identification means to offer them to users and so increase the availability of strong electronic identification for both consumers and electronic services. The current maximum price regulation has promoted the market and increased interest in the provision of new and competing services. However, the development work is still underway.

The Government also proposes that a new task be added for the Transport and Communications Agency to collect and provide statistical data on the market and supply of strong electronic identification. Access to statistical data would make it easier to monitor the impacts of the regulation and to further develop the legislation.

Next steps

The Government submitted to Parliament the proposal to amend the Act on Strong Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services on 26 November 2020.

A referral debate on the proposal now submitted to Parliament will be conducted in a Parliament plenary session. Information on the date of the session will be available on the Parliament website (plenary session agendas).

After the preliminary debate, the proposal will be taken to a Parliamentary Committee. After the Committee submits a report, the process will continue in a plenary session.

The regulation is to enter into force on 1 April 2021 as the current price regulation period ends.


Laura Kolinen, Senior Officer, tel. + 358 50 476 8399

Jenni Rantio, Senior Government Adviser, tel. +358 50 534 7647

(Updated on 27.11.2020: Headline has been shortened)