Legislative amendments concerning the Vienna agreement on periodical technical inspections for consultation

On 21 October 2010, the Ministry of Transport and Communications sent legislative proposals concerning the Vienna agreement on periodical technical inspections for consultation. The entry into force of the amendments would facilitate cross-border transport by electric, hybrid and gas vehicles.
As a result of the amendments to the agreement, the periodical inspections of electric, hybrid and gas vehicles would include new items for testing. The aim is to increase vehicle safety. The items would be, for example, the electronic power train or gas installation of a vehicle.
By acceding to the Vienna agreement, the countries agree to mutually recognise the periodical technical inspections carried out in the signatory countries, which means that there is no need to demonstrate the roadworthiness of a vehicle by any other means.
The entry into force of the amendments would also promote road safety and the climate objectives in the transport sector as well as support the wider use of alternative power sources in the future.
The changes would not have an impact on the inspection intervals or prices.
The amendments to the periodical technical inspections referred to in the Vienna Agreement of the United Nations European Economic Commission entered into force in 2018-2020. In Finland, the amendments are scheduled to enter into force in spring 2021.
What are the next steps?
The consultation on the amendments to the special regulation in the Vienna agreement on periodical technical inspections will end on 18 November 2020.
The request for comments is available online at www.lausuntopalvelu.fi. Comments may be submitted by all organisations and private individuals.
Following the consultation round, Ministry officials will continue the preparations for the Act. The government proposal is due to be submitted to Parliament in 2020.
Eeva Asikainen, Senior Officer, tel. +358 50 522 6204
Consultation date corrected in the press release (6.11.2020).
Lausuntopalvelu.fi: Approval and entry into force of amendments to the Vienna Agreement on periodical technical inspections (VN/10406/2020) (in Finnish)
Gateway to Information on Government Projects: Approval and entry into force of amendments to the Vienna Agreement on periodical technical inspections (LVM025:00/2020) (in Finnish)
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Transport, Vehicle regulations: 1997 Agreement
UNECE, Transport, Vehicle regulations: 1997 Agreement, Inspections