Legislative amendment promotes automatisation tests in maritime transport with regard to manning and watchkeeping

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 13.6.2018 13.54
Press release

In future, exemptions to minimum vessel manning requirements and watchkeeping may be made for a fixed term in order to promote technological innovations. 

The Government submitted a bill on ships' crews and the safety management of ships for approval on 13 June 2018. The Act will enter into force on 1 July 2018.

Tests will be possible in separately defined areas or routes. In automatisation tests, the manning of ships can be reduced.  Authorisations for tests will be granted to each test separately for a maximum period of two years. They are granted by the Transport Safety Agency. The legislative amendment promotes testing in, for example, the Jaakonmeri area on the western coast of Finland.

The amendment improves the opportunities of Finland's maritime industry to be a leader in vessel automation in the digitalisation of maritime transport.

Vessels, other than tankers, with a gross tonnage of less than 500 and operating in areas I and II for domestic transport will be exempted from having to possess a Document of Safe Manning. The Document will be replaced by the general minimum manning requirements.

The amendment implements the government key project on deregulation.

Senior Adviser, Kreetta Simola, tel. +358 295 34 2609