Ministerial working group sets Finland’s digital vision and targets for 2030

Ministry of FinanceMinistry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 14.2.2022 16.24 | Published in English on 16.2.2022 at 8.35
Press release
Text in the picture: Developing the Digital Transformation, the Data Economy and Public Administration

Finland is preparing a national digital compass during spring 2022. In its meeting on 14 February 2022, the Ministerial Working Group on Developing the Digital Transformation, the Data Economy and Public Administration approved Finland’s digital vision for 2030 and set targets for the national digital compass as a basis for further work.

Finland’s digital vision for 2030 now approved by the ministerial working group is ‘Building a digitally capable Finland that is attractive, competitive, sustainable and prosperous.’

The work previously done in different branches of government has been taken into account in the formulation of each priority of the compass. The compass revolves around four cardinal points: skills, secure and sustainable digital infrastructures, the digital transformation of businesses, and the digitalisation of public services. The previous preparation work and situational picture have been used to identify the most important objectives for the ministries and for the coordination group for digitalisation.

“I am very pleased by the enthusiasm with which so many parties have taken part in this work. It is vital that we all recognise the benefits that we can achieve – as individuals, as communities and as a society – through the targets we are now setting for Finland’s digital future”, says Minister of Transport and Communications Timo Harakka.

Finland's digital compass has been prepared through extensive cooperation with stakeholders. Stakeholders have had the opportunity to provide feedback on the targets of the compass, for example, in open workshops, and have been able to submit their own proposals and provide comments on the vision of the digital compass.

New policies will strengthen regional services of central government, multi-location working and the opening up and use of public data

The ministerial working group approved the continuation of the preparation of a plan for the central government's regional presence based on the working group's proposals. The plan will be issued as a government resolution. The proposals concern the regional presence and availability of services of central government authorities. A Ministry of Finance working group has prepared a plan for the remainder of the government term, which is the first plan based on the new act that entered into force at the start of 2022.

The aim is to secure equal services for customers through multiple channels while also increasing the vitality of regions and the central government’s competitiveness as an employer. The actual government resolution based on the working group’s proposed measures will be prepared over the spring. The government resolution will improve opportunities for flexible and multi-location working, studying and living.

The ministerial working group also approved a draft government resolution that describes the strategic objectives for the opening up and use of public data. The resolution and the measures to implement it seek to improve the opportunities of central government and public administration as a whole to utilise data. The ministers were also briefed on the digitalisation and data economy projects included in the General Government Fiscal Plan.

“The opening up and use of public data will provide many opportunities to develop better services in both the public and private sector. However, this will require shared rules to ensure that data is used safely and efficiently. This is the goal of these new policies and related measures,” says Minister of Local Government Sirpa Paatero.

What's next?

A draft of Finland’s national digital compass is scheduled to be circulated for comments in spring 2022. The government resolution on the opening up and use of public data will next be discussed in the government plenary session. The plan concerning the regional presence of central government authorities and the government resolution on multi-local working, studying and living will next be discussed in an open hearing for stakeholders and then in the ministerial group.


Laura Eiro, Director General, Ministry of Transport and Communications, tel. +358 40 096 9293
Mika Nordman, Director of Digital Services, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7142
Jarkko Levasma, Government Chief Information Officer, Ministry of Finance, tel. +358 29 553 0117
Päivi Nerg, Permanent Under-Secretary, Ministry of Finance, tel. + 358 295 530 149