Ministerial working group: Emergency preparedness of ICT infrastructure to be enhanced

The coordination of emergency preparedness related to critical information and communications technology infrastructure will be assigned to the National Cyber Security Director. The Ministerial working group on developing the digital transformation, the data economy and public administration endorsed the matter on 25 November.
Critical ICT infrastructure means, for example, public communications networks and cables. Preparedness relating to this infrastructure is highly regulated and functions well. Responsibility for preparedness is divided between several authorities, and the ministerial working group’s decision will enhance the coordination of preparedness.
“Our changed security environment emphasises the need for preparedness to secure the functioning of infrastructure that is critical to our society. Because the responsibility for preparedness is divided between several organisations, the coordination of these organisations must be tight and the management structures clear. Enhancing this coordination is an important part of strengthening Finland’s resilience,” says Minister of Local Government Sirpa Paatero.
“Cyber security is an essential part of Finland’s concept for comprehensive security and emergency preparedness. It is natural for the National Cyber Security Director to bear responsibility for preparedness related to critical ICT infrastructure,” says Minister of Transport and Communications Timo Harakka.
Assigning this task to the National Cyber Security Director does not change the statutory powers or obligations of different authorities and parties with respect to the preparedness of critical ICT infrastructure.
Strategy for Public Governance guides reform of public governance
The ministerial working group also discussed the status of the Strategy for Public Governance Renewal. The strategy guides the reform of all of public administration in the 2020s. The reform of public administration streamlines everyday services, secures legal certainty in society and creates new opportunities for companies and communities.
“The Strategy for Public Governance Renewal is the first plan to take such an ambitious approach to reforming public administration and to link different levels of administration in this way. Implementation will be crucial to this strategy, and we have gotten off to a good start,” Minister Paatero says.
Other topics on the ministerial working group’s agenda included the situation picture for cyber security, the action plan for the digital compass and current EU affairs relating to digitalisation and the data economy.
Susanna Huovinen, Permanent Under-Secretary, Ministry of Finance, tel. +358 295 530 199
Jarkko Levasma, Government Chief Information Officer, Ministry of Finance, tel. +358 295 530 117
Laura Eiro, Director General, Ministry of Transport and Communications, tel. +358 400 969 293
Mika Nordman, Director of Digital Services, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 295 047 142