Working group to promote national 6G cooperation and Finland's leading role in mobile communications networks

A working group appointed by the Ministry of Transport and Communications has started its work to promote 6G communications technologies. The aim is to prepare a national 6G roadmap and to encourage cooperation and exchange of information in the field of future-generation wireless network technologies. Members of the working group represent key central government bodies as well as stakeholders in the research and business sector.
Finland is a pioneer in mobile communication networks. The aim is to remain among the world’s leading countries in developing and utilising the mobile networks of next genera-tions.
The working group supports the 6G advocacy work Finland is carrying out internationally. If necessary, the working group will also formulate Finland’s positions on topical issues discussed in various international forums. One of the goals is to map and compile Finland’s objectives for the radio frequencies required by next-generation mobile communications technologies. As part of the roadmap, a review will be carried out on how to ensure network security in the 6G transition. Issues relating to reliability and interoperability will also be examined. In security matters, the work will be coordinated with the work of the Advisory Board on Network Security.
The working group is chaired by Director General Sabina Lindström and the vice-chair is Director General Laura Eiro. They are both from the Ministry of Transport and Communi-cations.
The group has representatives from the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, National Cyber Securi-ty Office, Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom), Transport Infrastructure Agency, Business Finland, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Nokia, FiCom, DNA, Telia, Elisa, Technology Industries of Finland, Aalto University, University of Helsinki, University of Oulu and Tampere University.
What’s next?
The term of the working group will continue until 31 May 2025.
Mirka Meres-Wuori, Senior Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 29 534 2061, [email protected]
Kaisa Kopra, Chief Specialist, tel. +358 29 534 2066, [email protected]
Ministry press release, 27 February 2024: Finland agrees on principles guiding 6G development with partner countries