Total of 29 companies show interest in digital TV network
Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date
Press release
There will be capacity for new digital television and radio channels in one existing multiplex and in a new one that will be built in the next few years. The new network is also intended to be used for the transmission of two Swedish television (SVT) channels. Licences for these will be open for application at a later date.
Applicants had to notify the Ministry of their interest by 15 March. The actual applications must be submitted by 2 May.
The following companies advised their interest in applying:
Arctecho Oy
BBC World Distribution Limited
BBC World Service Radio
Blue Media Oy
Boxer TV-Access Ab
Citizen TV Oy
C More Entertainment Finland Oy
Discovery Communications Europe
Eurosport SA
Etelä-Pohjanmaan Viestintä Oy
Family Channel Oy
Kustannusosakeyhtiö Iltalehti
Metroradio Finland Oy
m-cult company oy
MTV Networks Europe and Nickelodeon International Ltd
National Geographic Channel
NonStop Television AB
Pohjois-Karjalan Uudet Mediat Oy
Q-TV Productions (to be established)
Suomen Urheilutelevisio Oy
SWelcom Oy
Turner Broadcasting System Europe Ltd
TV 5 Finland Oy
Vaasan Läänin Puhelin Oy
Oy Viasat Finland Ab
Vizor Oy
The Walt Disney Company Limited
For further information please contact:
Mr Ismo Kosonen, Director of Media Policy Unit, tel. +358 9 160 28462, +358 50 511 6601