New means to improve data protection and information security - Act on Data Protection in Electronic Communications to enter into force on 1 September
Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date
Press release
A new act will safeguard confidentiality and protection of privacy in electronic communications. It will clarify the rules of processing confidential identification and location data and provide new means to prevent spam and viruses. The new Act on Data Protection in Electronic Communications will promote users' trust as well as information security and development of electronic services.
The President of the Republic of Finland approved the bill on data protection in electronic communications on Wednesday, 16 June 2004. The Act will enter into force on 1 September 2004.
- This Act is of especial importance to every citizen and the whole of society. Citizens' increased trust in the information society will also promote the development of new services, says Ms Leena Luhtanen, Minister of Transport and Communications of Finland.