Minister Berner: Free Flow of Data Initiative is Essential for the European Data Economy
Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date
Type:News item

During the TTE Council lunch meeting, the ministers discussed the Commission's Free Flow of Data Initiative. Introduced late 2015, the Commission is expected to give a Communication on its more detailed plans early 2017.
The Finnish Minister of Transport and Communications Anne Berner called for an ambitious approach to this Initiative. The Digital Single Market Strategy and the Free Flow of Data Initiative are essential building blocks of the European data economy, aiming at fuelling innovations, growth and employment
Press release 2.12.2016: Minister Berner: An Ambitious Free Flow of Data Initiative is Essential for the European Data EconomyLinkki toiselle sivustolle
Press release 30.11.2016: Minister Berner to attend the EU Telecommunications Council meetingLinkki toiselle sivustolle
Areas of expertise, Information: Utilisation of data and informationLinkki toiselle sivustolle
Press release 30.11.2016: Minister Berner to attend the EU Telecommunications Council meetingLinkki toiselle sivustolle
Areas of expertise, Information: Utilisation of data and informationLinkki toiselle sivustolle