In the ”Impulssi” blog Minister Berner discusses new means for infrastructure financing – deliberations will continue at the Nordic meeting on Tuesday
Ministry of Transport and Communications
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"Transport infrastructure financing is a challenge that touches upon all developed economies - including the Nordic countries. For Finland transport infrastructure is particularly important due to the long distances and our location far in the north", Minister Anne Berner writes in the "Impulssi" blog of the Ministry of Transport and Communications.
Infrastructure development is on the agenda at the seminar "Rethinking Infrastructure Financing in the Nordics". Webcast of the seminar can be viewed live on Tuesday starting at 12.00.
"I hope for inspiring talks and bold thinking to find new financing models and to develop transport infrastructure, which is going to be even more critical in future," Minister Berner says in the blog.
Minister Berner at Impulssi-blog 25.6.2018: Towards new approaches in infrastructure financing
Rethinking Infrastructure Financing in the Nordics 26.6.2018 12:00 (YouTube)
Rethinking Infrastructure Financing in the Nordics 26.6.2018 12:00 (YouTube)