Impulssi-blog: Common rules for the data economy
- It is time to ask ourselves what kind of data economy rules we want for steering the course of our future, writes Senior Adviser Taru Rastas in Impulssi-blog.
During its Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Finland wants to strengthen measures in the European Union to create common rules for the data economy. Proximity to the people and sustainability in the data economy are seen as the core objectives.
All those who engage in exchanging and processing data in one way or another must be able to exploit data use. At present, the rules in the data economy operate at different levels globally. Drawing on its rules based on values, Europe can help others reach for a human-driven and fair data economy.
The proposed common rules have been formulated into six principles, having heard interested parties, examined applicable guidelines and recommendations, and endeavoured to take a neutral stand in relation to different stakeholders.
The next step is to hold an open network discussion, with a view to testing the principles, improve them and make them work better. Following the discussion, the common rules will be presented at the High-Level Conference on Data Economy being held in Helsinki in November. This conference is the most important event related to digitalisation during Finland's Presidency.
Read the whole blog!