Government proposes EUR 3.6 billion for Ministry of Transport and Communications budget

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 23.9.2024 14.01 | Published in English on 23.9.2024 at 15.39
Press release
Kuvassa on kirjoitettuna teksti Budjetti 2025
Budget 2025 (Photo: Prime Minister's Office)

The Government proposes that around EUR 3.6 billion be allocated to the administrative branch of the Ministry of Transport and Communications for 2025.

In line with the proposal, around EUR 2.0 billion would be allocated to transport and communications networks, around EUR 858 million to transport and communication services and around EUR 709 million to administration and joint expenditure for the administrative branch. 

A majority of the appropriations proposed for transport and communications networks, approximately EUR 1.5 billion, would be allocated to the basic transport infrastructure management of roads, railways and waterways.

Easing repair backlog, launching new transport infrastructure projects

The Government will launch new transport projects within the framework of a fixed-term investment programme to be implemented during the parliamentary term. An increase of EUR one million is proposed for reducing the repair backlog.

The Government proposes launching the following new transport infrastructure projects in 2025:

-    Renewal of the Äänekoski bridge and the junction arrangements on highway 642 (Äänekoski), for which a budget authority of EUR 15.0 million and an appropriation of EUR 1.0 million are proposed in 2025.

-    Main road 15 between Rantahaka (Kotka) and Kouvola, for which a budget authority of EUR 122 million and an appropriation of EUR 1.0 million are proposed in 2025.

-    Main road 21 between Palojoensuu and Maunu, for which an authorisation of EUR 30.0 million and an appropriation of EUR 1.0 million are proposed in 2025. 

-    Main road 23 at Karvio Canal, for which a budget authority of EUR 14.0 million and an appropriation of EUR 1.0 million are proposed in 2025.

-    Main road 12 between Mankala and Tillola, for which a budget authority of EUR 92.0 million and an appropriation of EUR 1.0 million are proposed in 2025. The appropriation may be used only if the agreement on land use, housing and transport (MAL) for the Lahti region has been signed.

-    Phase 1 of improvements to main road 8 at Kokkola, Kokkola city centre, for which a budget authority of EUR 13.0 million and an appropriation of EUR 1.0 million are proposed in 2025.

-    Phase 1 of the connection between main road 8 and regional road 724 in Vaasa, for which a budget authority of EUR 31 million is proposed.

-    Karjalanranta, for which a budget authority of EUR 90 million and an appropriation of EUR 10.5 million are proposed in 2025.

-    Suupohja railway, for which a budget authority of EUR 15 million and an appropriation of 1.0 million are proposed in 2025.

The Government also proposes that the budget authority previously agreed on for the project to develop the coastal railway between Kauklahti and Karis be revised by EUR 50 million from EUR 30 million to EUR 80 million.

In addition to the investment programme, the Government proposes launching the following projects using appropriations for basic transport infrastructure:

-    Paving main road 8 and repairing its structures between Tjöck and Ömossa, EUR 6.5 million.

-    Building a new road connection between Länsiväylä and Västergärdan in Jakobstad (Fäbodantie), EUR 2 million.

Strengthening cyber security

Cyber security will be improved through services provided by the Transport and Communications Agency. The Government proposes an allocation of EUR 2 million for a service called Hyöky, which would map attack surface points, and for a lighter cyber threat detection and warning service called Havaro. 

The Hyöky service helps municipalities and other public administration organisations to protect themselves against attacks in information networks. The Havaro service detects and warns against serious information security threats to Finnish companies. The information obtained from the services will be used to provide a national situation picture in cyber security.

What’s next?

Parliamentary proceedings will begin with a referral debate in a plenary session. The consideration of the Budget by Parliament will take about three months.


Mikko Nygård, Director of Finance and Administration, tel. +358 295 342 547, [email protected]