Finnish Space Situational Awareness Centre to be established

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 10.10.2024 13.49 | Published in English on 10.10.2024 at 14.00
Press release
Liikenne, viestintä- ja sisäministeri Lulu Ranne katsoo kameraan
Minister of Transport, Communications and the Interior Lulu Ranne (Photo: Fanni Uusitalo/Prime Minister's Office)

The Government proposes funding for the establishment of the Finnish Space Situational Awareness Centre. Funding is proposed for the administrative branches of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The Ministry of Transport and Communications share of the funding amounts to EUR 411 000.  

The government proposal on the third supplementary budget for 2024 was submitted to Parliament on 10 October 2024.

“The Finnish Space Situational Awareness Centre is a significant step for Finland’s comprehensive security. Many important services in our society rely on satellite systems and we need to ensure that they operate without interruption. Throughout the government term, the Ministry of Transport and Communications has strongly advocated the establishment of the Space Situational Awareness Centre and we are very pleased that the decision was now made together. Here, too, the Government’s priority is the security of people in Finland. There is a real need for the Centre,” says Minister of Transport, Communications and the Interior Lulu Ranne.

The Centre would provide a recognised space picture in cooperation with Finland’s international partner countries and in close cooperation with organisations responsible for space surveillance. It would provide and disseminate situational awareness information to the Defence Forces, other authorities, and to companies critical to security of supply, as well as to universities and research institutes.

Operational functions on a decentralised basis

The operational functions of the Centre would be built in connection with the existing organisations. The civilian leadership would operate in connection with the Finnish Meteorological Institute and the military leadership in connection with the Defence Forces. The National Land Survey of Finland would support the operations of these both by providing them with national space situational data from the near space observation systems it manages. 

The establishment of the Space Situational Awareness Centre requires amendments to the Act on the Finnish Meteorological Institute and the Act on the Defence Forces. On 10 October 2024, the Government submitted to Parliament a proposal for amending these Acts. As a result of the legislative amendments, the establishment work could begin in December 2024. 


Taruanne Lindevall, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 29 534 2256, [email protected] 

Kaisa Laitinen, Director of Unit, tel. +358 29 534 2608, [email protected] 


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