Finland’s first spectrum auction in the autumn
Finland's first radio spectrum auction will be held in the autumn. The aim is to test other means of granting spectrum licences than through a "beauty contest": through an auction process, and assess the outcome and results of the auction.
The spectrum auction is meant to be held in November 2009. The licences will be granted for a maximum period of 20 years.
The Ministry of Transport and Communications expects TeliaSonera, Elisa, DNA and some other Finland's established telecommunications operators to participate in the auction. Some other parties have also shown initial interest in the upcoming auction.
The auction will cover the radio spectrum of 2500 - 2690 MHz. This frequency band is especially suitable for fourth generation high-speed wireless broadband, such as UMTS-Lte and mobile-Wimax.
In accordance with law, one enterprise, organisation or association may be granted a maximum of 50 MHz of spectrum. This is designed to prevent concentration of spectrum licences and to ensure that there will be enough frequencies for at least four enterprises, organisations or associations.
Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority (FICORA): 2500-2690 MHz spectrum auction
Finlex: Act on auctioning certain radio spectrum (462/2009 English)