Comments invited on the implementation of the EU Gigabit Infrastructure Act

The Ministry of Transport and Communications requests comments on the draft proposal for a new act on facilitating the introduction of very high capacity networks. Comments may be submitted until 29 April 2025.
Under the draft proposal, a new act is to be enacted to supplement and specify the EU Regulation on measures to reduce the costs of deploying gigabit electronic communications networks, the so-called Gigabit Infrastructure Act. In addition, the Finnish Act on Shared Construction and Use of Network Infrastructure is proposed to be repealed. The Gigabit Infrastructure Act provides means to facilitate shared use and construction, such as a single information point and changes to the permit process. The Act requires that permits and rights of way needed for the network infrastructure construction should be made available for application via a single information point.
The aim of the Gigabit Infrastructure Act is to speed up the construction of very high capacity networks. It is the aim of the European Union that, by 2030, all EU households be covered by a gigabit network.
Single information point and tacit approval procedure to ease the permit process
The directly applicable obligations of the Gigabit Infrastructure Act apply to, for example, permit procedure streamlining and electrification. A single service point should be established in Finland to allow electronic applications for permits and rights of way for constructing a physical network infrastructure.
In accordance with the Act, a tacit approval procedure would be introduced to streamline the permit process. If the authorities did not make a decision on the permit application within four months, the permit would be considered granted.
National needs of rural areas and critical infrastructure to be taken into account
The draft government proposal suggests that the national flexibility allowed for Member States be used in many respects. These would include the needs of rural areas and smaller municipalities, projects concerning critical infrastructure and certain simplified permit procedures.
In the new act, the shared use obligation would be extended to private commercial buildings located in rural areas, and the shared construction obligation to other projects than just those with public funding. Municipalities with up to 3,500 inhabitants would be granted a 12-month transition period for making minimum data available through a single information point.
In addition, the deadline for advance notifications to the single contact point would be extended and the permit procedure would not be applied to repair and maintenance work with minor impacts. Any obligations concerning the construction of internal networks would not apply to detached houses, holiday houses, or buildings where fibre-wiring would clearly be unreasonable considering the intended use of the building and the costs to be incurred. Not all obligations laid down in the Act would be applied to national critical infrastructure. Critical infrastructure covers, for example, the most important networks and their physical infrastructure needed in providing healthcare services essential for security of supply.
The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom would supervise compliance with the obligations laid down in the Gigabit Infrastructure Act and serve as a dispute settlement body.
Provisions on the system intended for responding to location survey requests are laid down in the Act on Shared Construction and Use of Network Infrastructure, which under the new act is proposed to be repealed. As no decision has been made on the system implementation, the relevant legislative amendments are to be made separately.
What’s next?
The deadline for comments on the draft proposal is 29 April 2025. Comments may be
submitted by all organisations and citizens online at Public officials will continue to prepare the act after the consultation round is completed.
The new act is scheduled to enter into force in autumn 2025. The obligations of the Gigabit Infrastructure Act will mainly be applied as of November 2025.
Sofia Lindbäck, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 29 534 2165,
Iida Huhtanen, Senior Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 29 534 2613,
Gateway to Information on Government Projects: Government proposal for an Act Amending the Act on the Shared Construction and Use of Network Infrastructure (in Finnish)Linkki toiselle sivustolle
Press release, 12 September 2024: Legislative project on implementing the EU Gigabit Infrastructure Act starts, aim is to accelerate the introduction of high-speed connections
Press release 10 January 2025: Consultation process on implementation options for location study systems starts