Comments invited on control and sanctions policy for emissions manipulation

On 1 December 2020, the Ministry of Transport and Communications sent out for comments a report on the current state in emissions manipulations carried out by or on behalf of vehicle users as well as on the possible regulatory alternatives and their impacts.
The report and the comments will form the basis for a legislative project on vehicle emissions manipulation. The purpose of the project is to explore ways of improving the control of emissions manipulation and increasing the effectiveness of the related sanctions. The aim is to reduce transport emissions.
The emissions manipulation is a measure carried out by or on behalf of the vehicle user after the vehicle has been taken into use but has not undergone a modification inspection. It can also be carried out by using non-approved components. Emissions manipulations mainly affect vehicle local emissions, especially nitrogen oxides and particulate emissions. Emissions manipulation can be carried out on both heavy and light vehicles.
Next steps
The deadline for comments on the memorandum is 1 February 2021.
Organisations and private individuals are invited to comment the proposal online at or by email at [email protected].
Following the consultation round, the preparations of the project will continue by Ministry officials.
Eeva Asikainen, Senior officer, tel. +358 50 522 6204
Jenni Rantio, Senior Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 50 534 7647
Gateway to Information on Government Projects: Comprehensive reform of the Vehicles Act (LVM011:00/2020)