Public administration to support space business opportunities in Finland

“In 2025, Finland will be the world’s most attractive and agile space business environment which all companies operating here benefit from.” This vision is the leading idea in the final report of the working group on space business opportunities in Finland. The working group submitted its report to Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä and Minister of Transport and Communications Anne Berner on 21 November 2018.
“We want to make Finland a bold actor in the utilisation of space, and we want to make sure that Finland’s space business ecosystem grows and evolves,” Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä says.
“Finnish business, research and administrative operators have already joined forces to support space business opportunities. Business Finland has its New Space Economy programme and the European Space Agency (ESA) has a business incubation centre in Finland, to name a few examples,” Minister Lintilä says.
“Satellite-transmitted data and different kinds of space-related applications have quickly become mainstream. The space sector is now opening new opportunities not only for public administration and the big industry, but also for small operators,” says Minister of Transport and Communications Anne Berner.
“The public administration aims to create a favourable environment for businesses to generate and deploy high-quality space data openly for different kinds of purposes,” Minister Berner says.
The working group outlines in its report a space business vision for Finland as well as a number of goals and measures to help enterprises enter the market, to influence international developments and to promote research and develop space administration by 2025.
Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä and Minister of Transport and Communications Anne Berner set up a working group on 16 March 2018 with the task of preparing a proposal for the new measures in the Finnish space strategy to promote growth and employment.
The working group was chaired by Director Riikka Heikinheimo from the Confederation of Finnish Industries. The members of the working group represented the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the Ministry of Defence, the Prime Minister’s Office, Aalto University, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Business Finland, Rolls Royce Oy, G2 Invest Oy and Reaktor Innovations Oy.
Final report of the working group
Maija Lönnqvist, Lawyer, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7105
Olli Lehtilä, Senior Officer, Ministry of Transport and Communications, tel. +358 29 534 2106